This farm-raised "Imperial Beluga," derived from a hybrid of Amur River sturgeons Kaluga (Huso dauricus) and Schrenki (acipenser schrenki), has beautiful colors ranging from vibrant gold to chocolate brown with grains that are truly spectacular in size. In addition to being large in size and light in color, Kaluga Hybrid caviar has an incredible delicate and buttery flavor with a slight hint of the sea and glistening finish.
These marvelous beads with their mellow, rich, buttery flavor. If you like a firm grain Imperial Osetra then you will love this ecologically friendly farm-raised caviar.
Free shipping in Dubai.
1.1kg Kaluga Queen Caviar Hybrid
4 Mother pearl spoon
1 Pack blinis (16 pieces)
1 Cream fraiche or sour cream
Caviar is highly perishable and should be stored in the fridge at temperatures between -2°C and 0°C. Unopened caviar can last up to several weeks, while opened caviar should be consumed within 24 to 48 hours for optimal freshness. Keep caviar tightly sealed and avoid exposure to air to preserve its delicate flavor and texture.